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New Year!

Writer's picture: Diane DassingDiane Dassing

Happy New Year! It seems I am late to the party! By this date on the calendar you have celebrated New Years’ Eve and started your resolution list. I’ve attended many New Year’s Eve parties - employed as a server at various restaurants. My favorite job during the new year festivities was the Marriott in Oak Brook. They offered a package for New Years that included a one-night stay, dinner, dancing, open bar and breakfast the next morning. The 4:30 a.m. call for us servers was the rough part. The beauty of how we set up the room was spectacular. The centerpieces on each table were magnificent, and the candles created a combination of celebration and romance while all the dinnerware was sparkling! The room had just the right ambiance. The hors d’oeuvres were amazing always, the biggest and the best shrimps, cheese and crackers. Last but certainly not least were the desserts! yummy. The finest bands were contracted to perform, and they had to have some stamina for this special occasion.

The tables were sprinkled with party hats and silly sound makers for the magical hour- and of course you had to have someone to kiss at midnight! sigh- I don’t know about you, but my husband Rick and I are at the stage were we watch the shows from New York because they are an hour ahead. 11 o’clock is a possibility but midnight? That ship has sailed!

This holiday is to ring in a new year. Out with the old and in with the new! We are encouraged to look and move forward, set goals for success, and focus on several resolutions as a conduit for change. This seems to be designed to create a Happy New YOU!

Do you have a few focus points to start off the year? If not, allow me to suggest a few.

Here’s the list of the top 10- for your enjoyment:

· Exercise more

· Lose weight

· Get organized

· Learn a new skill or hobby

· Live life to the fullest

· Save more money / spend less money

· Quit smoking

· Spend more time with family and friends

· Travel more

· Read more

It seems that we consider there is a change that is needed, and nothing changes if nothing changes, so we look forward to the new year to make said changes.

You heard the saying, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” I would argue that we are broken, all of us- you and me, and we do need fixing. It’s been that way for 1000’s of years and will continue. Human beings have tried to correct what is wrong and we have failed miserably. We’ve overthrown corrupt governments, and yet the government seems to get more corrupt. As a nation, credit card debt is higher than ever because we spend money we don’t have, to buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t even like! People file for bankruptcy and get their debt erased. Often, the same people will find themselves in the same position after a handful of years and file again!

We have taken a wrong turn somewhere. We have concern for things that are not spiritually beneficial. It’s nothing new.

When we talk about New Year resolutions, we might tend to veer toward surface issues (like the list above), our health, and how we look. God is not about surface. He isn’t concerned with your material wealth, He is interested in your spiritual health. He’s all about the condition of your heart and my heart.

I’ll be the first to admit that I need heart surgery. Will you accept and acknowledge that something inside your heart needs attention? You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.

Cory Asbury sings these words:

The overwhelming never- ending reckless love of God,

It chases me down fights til I’m found, leaves the 99.

I couldn’t earn it and I don’t deserve it

Still You give yourself away

The overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God.

There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up, coming after me

There’s no wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down, coming after me.

As God lights up the darkness in our soul, He lovingly stays nears so we can lean on Him when it gets difficult and it will get difficult. His desire is that we allow Him to heal our broken hearts. His love is reckless and relentless like a good, good father.

As we carry on into 2019 I’ll be praying the words to this song for all of us, an also praying for a Happy New YOU!

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